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May Flowers bring...Allergies!

You may be one of the millions who suffer from seasonal allergies. Along with all the Spring Splendor, comes that pesky pollen. From trees, flowers, grass, and more, there are microscopic elements that can truly make your days unbearable. The sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, and runny nose -- not to mention the headaches and fatigue!

But there is good news. You don't have to suffer or rely on a ton of medication to help you through. There are natural alternatives. Showering before you sleep will help remove pollen and particles from your skin and hair, so you're not breathing those irritants in all night long. Keeping your windows closed during extra polleny days can help reduce the irritants inside the home. Leaving your shoes at the door, or better yet, outside the door, eliminates the risk of bringing in mold spores, pollen, and brush. Running an air purifier can be helpful for those airborne allergens and changing sheets twice a week to reduce the irritants is also a plus.

You may be wondering what you can eat or drink to help reduce the symptoms of seasonal allergies. You can eat more apples and raw onions to add quercetin into your diet, which is a natural antihistamine. And of course, staying hydrated is especially important to help keep the body flushing any internal pests. Apple cider vinegar is another home remedy many use for allergy symptoms as well as local bee's honey.

If you really want to lower your histamine response, our allergy protocol is a great option. The Classic Meyers drip is helpful at combatting seasonal allergies, as well as asthma, fatigue, and headaches, all of which can accompany allergies. The protocol is a Classic Meyers IV drip once a week for 4 weeks, and then once a month for maintenance.

A paper published in the Alternative Medicine Review-Journal states that the Meyer's drip "has been found to be effective against acute asthma attacks, migraines, fatigue (including chronic fatigue syndrome), fibromyalgia, acute muscle spasm, upper respiratory tract infections, chronic sinusitis, seasonal allergic rhinitis, cardiovascular disease, and other disorders."

If you've started experiencing the effects of allergies, contact our office and set up your allergy protocol as soon as possible for maximum benefit.

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